
One Health Poster Representation at Farm Foundation Symposium by Two Department of Homeland Security Centers of Excellence


Titled: “One Health – One Medicine – One Environment”


Two outstanding Department of Homeland Security Centers of Excellence—the Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases (CEEZAD), Kansas State University and National Center for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease Defense (FAZD), Texas A & M University, will jointly present One Health posters at the Farm Foundation Symposium in Washington,  D.C. on September 23rd and 24th, 2010.  They will be titled “One Health-One Medicine-One Environment” to help reflect the interdisciplinary, all inclusive approach offered by One Health principles for health and health care problem solving.


The two-day interdisciplinary symposium’s topic is “Zoonoses: Understanding the Animal Agriculture and Human Health Connection.” The program is targeted at a broad cross-section of people, including public health officials, veterinarians, physicians, virologists, agricultural producers, public policy makers and media representatives. For the conference program and registration details see: 


Both FAZD Center (, headquartered at Texas A&M University, and CEEZAD (, headquartered at Kansas State University, seek to perform research and develop products that will defend the nation against high-consequence foreign animal and emerging/zoonotic diseases. Since at least 60 percent of all human pathogens originate in animals, the link between human medicine, veterinary medicine and our ecosystem is crucial for human health. There is also increasing awareness that in order to meet the One Health goal of uniting human and veterinary medicine, the impact of the environment is very important.  Therefore, both Centers will develop a theme of “One Health-One Medicine-One Environment” in their Conference poster displays.


For further information please contact: Karinne Cortes at CEEZAD: email address  telephone: 1-785-532-4614   or Lori Olivarez at FAZD: email address; telephone: 1-979-845-2855.


Note: The One Health Initiative website team strongly supports and applauds this collaborative approach for promoting the One Health concept.