One Health Publications

Monkeypox epidemic: Ignoring Africa comes at a price | ORF (

July 19, 2022


Emerging infectious diseases and ‘One Health’ … between different sectors are key to the success of any One Health initiative in Africa.

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One Health Needs More Soft Power – Impakter

July 18, 2022

One way to get it is for the United Nations to appoint a One Health Coordinator to guide policy and program change 

photos richard seifman from

by *Richard Seifman, JD, MBA   July 18, 2022 in HealthPolitics & Foreign Affairs

“Since the 1800s, scientists have noted the similarity in disease processes among animals and humans, but human and animal medicine were practiced separately until the 20th century. In recent years, with the support of key individuals and committed advocates such as the One Health Commission and One Health Initiative, the One Health concept has garnered more recognition in the public health and animal health communities and broadened to include the interface with the environment.

But much remains to be done to make One Health a guiding public health principle across the globe.  …”

*Member One Health Initiative team Advisory Board

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One Health & Implementation Research Journal – Announcement

July 13, 2022

One Health & Implementation Research 


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Environment, Part of One Health, Is Often Missing in Action – Impakter

July 12, 2022

A new One Health definition covers human, animal and eco-systems, but the latter is not part of the Joint External Evaluation (JEE)

By *Richard Seifman    July 12, 2022   in HealthSociety

“There is good news in that, at the global level, there has been increased attention and deliberation about One Health and how to find common ground to operationalize it. As I will show here, expansion of the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) could solve the problem. A significant milestone was achieved when four international organizations, WHOFAOWOAH, and UNEP agreed on an operational definition. These four represent a broad range of disciplines in science and policy-related sectors.

The agreed definition is as follows:

One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.

It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent.

The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate change, and contributing to sustainable development.  …”

*Member One Health Initiative Advisory Board



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One Health & Implementation Research (

July 11, 2022

2022 Volume 2, Issue 2 – 8 Articles

Original Article

1. A new scoring system for operational indicators guiding leprosy monitoring and surveillance in Brazil

Anderson Fuentes Ferreira, Jorg Heukelbach, Eliana Amorim de Souza, Gabriela Soledad Márdero García, Carmelita Ribeiro Filha, José Ueleres Braga, Maria Leide Wan-Del-Rey Oliveira, Adriana da Silva dos Reis, Francesco Corona, Sebastião Alves de Sena Neto, Elaine Silva Nascimento Andrade, Thainá Isabel Bessa de Andrade, Alberto Novaes Ramos Jr

DOI: 10.20517/ohir.2021.09

2. Rabies: knowledge, attitudes and practices in the Suhum municipality of Ghana

Richard Dery Suu-Ire, Amos Sarpong, Emily Mudoga, Samuel Asumah, Benjamin Kissi Sasu, Meyir Yiryele Ziekah, Bonodong Guri, Sherry Johnson, Sylvester Languon

DOI: 10.20517/ohir.2022.04

3. A qualitative exploration of perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine in Malawi during the vaccine rollout phase

Elvis Safary, Caroline Mtaita

DOI: 10.20517/ohir.2022.08

  1. Characterization of freshwater snail intermediate hosts of schistosomes in four communities from Osun State, Southwest Nigeria

Uade S. Ugbomoiko, Issa I. Kareem, Doyinsola O. Awe, Abdulkareem O. Babamale, Pam V. Gyang, Timothy E. Nwafor, Olaoluwa P. Akinwale

DOI: 10.20517/ohir.2022.05


1. The importance of free education for public health and for social transformation

Cláudia Maria Lins Calheiros

DOI: 10.20517/ohir.2022.06


1. Eco-epidemiological studies to develop integrated vector surveillance of leishmaniasis vectors in the Americas

Oscar Daniel Salomón, María Gabriela Quintana

DOI: 10.20517/ohir.2022.09

2. Current status of the treatment of paragonimiasis

Joachim Richter

DOI: 10.20517/ohir.2022.10

Technical Note

1. Capacity building for wildlife health professionals: the Wildlife Health Bridge

Anna Meredith, Neil Anderson, Pradeep Malik, Parag Nigam, Alexandra Thomas, Nic Masters, Amanda Guthrie, Hannah Davidson, Stuart Patterson, Rajan Amin, Lee Skerratt, Richard Kock, Anthony Sainsbury

DOI: 10.20517/ohir.2022.03

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Protecting nature: key to breaking the zoonoses chain

July 10, 2022


Published on: July 09, 2022 –  By ACB

“ … As a potential pathway forward, the ACB is exploring how One Health, an integrated approach to addressing public health concerns which is hoped to open greater collaboration across sectors and stakeholders on human and environmental or ecosystem health.

The collaboration exemplified by experts, scientists, and governments in pushing back on the impacts of COVID-19 is evidence of the greater potential to break the chain. The adaptive measures put in place, as seen in the intensive efforts toward vaccine development and roll-out, have proven to contribute concretely to its management. However, nature-based solutions are proven to be valuable components of a broader longitudinal mitigation strategy to prevent future pandemics and outbreaks.

Biodiversity is an integral part of the solution. Internalising this and translating it into positive personal and institutional actions can only be done once a deeper understanding of the linkages between biodiversity and health has been achieved.  …”

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One Health Happenings – June/Early July 2022

July 9, 2022

One Health Commission

One Health Happenings: Sharing news from June/Early July 2022

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Combating the global spread of poverty-related Monkeypox outbreaks and beyond | Infectious Diseases of Poverty | Full Text

July 8, 2022

“ … Role of One Health approach against zoonotic Monkeypox outbreak

Given the importance of human–animal–environment interface in the emergence and spread of outbreak, fostering One Health approach activities and multisectoral collaboration have benefits through timely and robust sustained investment on Monkeypox and other emerging epidemics population-based programs to reduce poverty, while leveraging from lessons learnt from others pandemics or outbreaks implementation. Increasing the most vulnerable poor health education and awareness outreach, coupled with evidence-based COVID-19 response and recovery programs, financial mechanisms and interventions, community health workers training and capacity building in COVID-19 and other routine vaccination programs efficient and sustainable delivery is needed. In addition, increasing effective mitigating and information communication against the social media rumors, and misinformation to prevent and control the growing Monkeypox outbreak coupled with COVID-19 pandemic public and global health effects [26]. Furthermore, operational One Health research agenda on poverty related outbreaks and pandemic should be initiated in improving local and regional surveillance, preparedness and response interventions, in contributing to global health security agenda.

Strengthening International Health regulations and global security actions against Monkeypox outbreak, should include effficient preventative and precautionary measures, prompt clinical management and vaccines research collaboration. Most importantly, fostering One Health approach implementation, are crucial implementation after understanding Zoonotic viral diseases including Monkeypox and COVID-19 animal reservoirs–human link, environment transmission and interconnections for evidence based solutions. Interestingly, two smallpox vaccines (ACAM-2000 and MVA-BN) have been recommended for vaccination against Monkeypox to people at risk of occupational exposure (Laboratory technician, clinical workers, frontline staff) by the European Medicines Agency in 2013 and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2019 respectively [26]. However it efficacy and safety of these vaccines approved still require further clinical trials and pharmacovigilance monitoring amongst vulnerable groups to guarantee herd immunity against this viral infection. These include better diagnostic for surveillance, improved hospital infection prevention and control measures, and social and safety containment countermeasures. These are required joint actions implementation to curtail the outbreak by securing equitable risk and information sharing and public engagement, widely access to vaccines, vaccine distribution, and effective contextual risk communication and engagement strategies to target Monkeypox vaccination coverage amidst COVID-19 pandemic response to the most vulnerable and marginalized poor and rich people.

Prompt, reliable and secured information sources ought to continue rise citizens and country awareness and education outreach, healthcare decentralization and transparency for readiness by governments and stakeholders to prevent, monitor and tackle any eventual outbreak of Monkeypox. Country-led poverty alleviation strategies and efforts in improving effective partnership and governance, strengthening quality care delivery services, vaccination stockpile, coverage and effectiveness are vital for resilience building and improved health outcomes. These are required to prepare and strengthen at risk and marginalized communities, enhanced empowerment and knowledge of all risk populations including travelers, pilgrims and tourists, to such unprecedented global outbreak effects on travel medicine, global trade and health agenda [178]. More operational research is needed in building evidence for comprehensive and efficient decisions policies and public engagement targeted actions. It is crucial to address knowledge gaps and poverty linked outbreak and NTDs roadmap and research priorities 2030 [12]. This is paramount to improve available data and information to build evidence-based decision making policies, effective and sustainable countermeasures, and innovative response solutions to prevent and contain these emerging and reemerging infectious diseases outbreaks in old and new zones.  …”

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A One Health opinion piece…”Veterinarians merged with physician educations: Past and present combined into one individual “One Health” examples—a useful conjoined degree program?” [A Reprint Revised with updated links from original One Health Initiative website posting on July 2, 2019]

July 4, 2022

[A Reprint Revised with updated links from original One Health Initiative website posting on July 2, 2019]

“…There can be no doubt about the unique potential for the One Health Model for Multidisciplinary Training and Collaboration.”

Gary S. Roubin, BVSc. (Hons.), MB, BS., PhD, MD, FRACP, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, Cardiovascular Associates of the Southeast Birmingham, Alabama …a veterinarian-physician trained Interventional Cardiologist research team member who helped developed the first Balloon-expandable Coronary artery stent for humans.

Dr. Roubin provided these comments to the OHI team: The-One-Health-concept-is-a-worldwide-strategy-for-expanding-interdisciplinary-collaborations-and-communications-in-all-aspects-of-health-care-for-humans-1.pdf (


Revised links, July 2022

Veterinarians merged with physician educations: Past and present combined into one individual “One Health” examples—a useful conjoined degree program?


By Bruce Kaplan, DVM and *Steven W. Atwood, VMD, MRCVS, MD, MPH

Dr. Kaplan is a co-founding member of the One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono TeamLaura H. Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP ▪ Bruce Kaplan, DVM ▪ Thomas P. Monath, MD ▪ *Lisa A. Conti, DVM, MPH ▪ Thomas M. Yuill, PhD ▪ Helena J. Chapman, MD, MPH, PhD ▪ Craig N. Carter, DVM, PhD ▪ Becky Barrentine, MBA  *Deceased November 6, 2020

* Dr. Atwood practices veterinary medicine at Animal Health Care Associates, West Tisbury, MA (USA) Meet the Team | Animal Health Care Associates, LTD (  He has also uniquely earned a human medical degree (MD) and is a longstanding member of the One Health Initiative team’s Advisory Board.

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Pre-exposure prophylaxis for rabies is worth a shot – The Hindu

July 3, 2022

Focus on One Health model wherein the human, animal, environmental components require equal attention

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One Health: The International Community Takes A New Step Forward (Impakter)

July 2, 2022

This is One Health’s year of recognition, with the World Bank’s latest fund for pandemic response… But what about more and sustained action?

by *Richard Seifman   July 2, 2022  in HealthPolitics & Foreign Affairs

*Member One Health Initiative Advisory Board

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – World Bank Approves New Fund for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPR) includes One Health Financing Possibilities

July 1, 2022


Home - One Health Initiative


July 1, 2022

World Bank Approves New Fund for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPR) includes One Health Financing Possibilities



Will the FIF also fund activities related to One Health (intersection between human health, animal health and environment)?


Yes, activities related to One Health, which recognize that human and animal health are interdependent and bound to the health of the ecosystems they share, will be eligible for financing from the FIF.  A multi-sectoral One Health approach is central to the prevention of public health risks.”



With broad support from the G20, on June 20, 2022 the World Bank Board of Directors approved establishment of a Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) whose purpose will be to address pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR). Already over $1 billion commitments have been announced. These and other new resources will be to assist low and middle-income countries increase their pandemic investments, improve coordination among partners, and serve as a platform for advocacy.


FIF will seek to strengthen country capacity in areas such as disease surveillance, laboratory systems, health workforce, emergency communication and management, and community engagement; as well as strengthening regional and global capacity in data sharing, regulatory harmonization, and coordinated development, procurement, distribution and deployment of countermeasures and essential medical supplies.


The World Bank will administer the FIF with technical expertise provided by the World Health Organization, both working closely with donors and other partners. The FIF scope and design is a work in progress but indications of what is likely to be included is contained in an accompanying FIF Fact Sheet. It states, “A multi-sectoral One Health approach is central to the prevention of public health risks.”


The plan is to launch the FIF in three-to- four months. That time should be used to have countries and regional leaders begin to consider ways to be ready with One Health policies, programs, and projects.



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